« Fundamental Interactions - be » and this web site « F-I.be » are a common effort of Belgian research groups involved in the various aspects of fundamental interactions.

The main goal of the participants is to further research in this frontier field.

An important means to reach these objectives at the highest scientific level is to engage in collaboration between the remarkably wide-reaching and complementary groups active in the country.

This collaboration also takes effect in important tasks, either inherent to research activities, like high level training, or complementary to them, as a service to society: a number of outreach activities, aimed both at schools and at the public at large have been set up.

It also offers a common window for the recruitment (which involves PhD students, Postdocs, and Faculty positions)

Support and funding for this research exists at national and regional level, the sources are listed below.

This collaboration effort has been recognized by the federal authorities, and we have successfully applied to the “Inter-University Attraction Pôle” program. (see groups for details of their participation in IAP V/27 and IAP VI/11)

These participations have also brought the active collaboration to our exchange programs of European Partners, chosen for their exceptional scientific level in the field, their close interaction and complementarity to our activities.

The activities of F-I.be are governed by the Scientific Board, where all teams are represented (independently of funding sources).

A high-level follow-up committee oversees and advises this board as needed.

supported by :    
fnrs FWO iwt



Belgian Science Policy Office
Inter University
Attraction Pole VI/11

"Fundamental Interactions"